• preparation of formats

    please send in your stems / premasters / soundfiles in the resolution and quantization they were recorded in / computed.

    there is no benefit in upsampling or in adding bits that were not initially registering information.

    all common header formats and all sampling rates up to 192 KHz are supported.

  • preparation of premasters

    no headroom is required on the premasters, but please verify that there is not any (avoidable or unintenial) clipping induced (including inter-sample peaks).

    leave on all sum- / bus-compression applied for musical reasons. 

    if there is any limiting / maximizing / bus-compression applied simply to increase loudness on the premasters, consider taking it off (but possibly send the compressed version as a reference if you like its gestalt).

    leave sample rate and bit depth as is, even if that means SR varying over the course of a release.

    consider head - tail editing / gaps and potentially send instructions for edits / fades via the order form 

  • preparation of stems

    please include all processes that were aplied for musical reasons, including but not limited to dynamic processes. 

    consider bouncing track effects separately.

    in case you were mixing into a dynamic processor on the master bus or into a compressed subgroup, please thoroughly evaluate its musical effect on single signal bounces.

    please include rough mixes of the pieces should you have them.

  • preparation of a sequence

    please consider  a consistent naming system, possibly including the pieces position in the tracklist. 

    if applicable, consider gaps between pieces and potential edits / fades that might be required. 

    if those edits / fades can't be produced prior to submitting the premasters, include instructions on your orderform. 

    please refer to the absolute time of the premasters when referencing time positions. 

    if gaps / fades need to be implemented after mastering, please refer to the abolute time of the master files for further instructions.

  • to be continued....

    this section will be under development for a while....

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